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In March as the saying goes, winter is holding back, and spring is pulling forward..... hahahahahahaha whaaaaaaaaat!!!! This year seems to be bucking trends everywhere. They are expecting record breaking cherry blossom bloom in Washington, meanwhile they have been snowboarding in the Napa Valley! Extreme freezing weather in the upper Northeast, while the south from Texas to Georgia is experiencing record breaking heat for this time of year. It is going to be an interesting year.
For California wineries, the snowfall is a novelty, not a cause for alarm, and maybe even a chance for some fun winter sports. At this time of year, snow poses no risk to the valley’s most valuable natural asset: the grapevines.
Vines are dormant right now, in their annual hibernation between the previous fall’s harvest and the budding of the coming spring. If snow or freezing temperatures were to come once buds, flowers or berries have formed on the vines, the fruit would be at risk of frost damage. But for now, during the plants’ dormancy, the snow is just another form of water — which is very welcome after years of drought. Precipitation in any form is great, to fill up our aquifers. While increased rainfall and snowpack throughout California is a step in the right direction, we are still years away from recovering from persistent drought conditions but it is still desperately needed relief.
However, very soon things will be sarting to warm up and another vintage will get underway. March heralds the launch of our season as the first weekend is always focused on the Russian River Wineroad Barrel Tasting Event. A time to preview some young wines and look to the futures by securing some limited supply wines by preview before bottling. Our release of 2021 Lodi Zinfandel has been greeted with rave reviews, and of the 66 available cases 47 have been sold as of this writing. With Barrel tasting this weekend it just might sell out? Our tableside barrel tasting is a creatively unique opportunity where instead of going to the cellar, the barrel comes to you. We rotate some collectible and limited offerings year round and each sells out faster than the last. Add into the mix that we offer custom label options on our futures, and it is achieving cult status among the select few.
So...... if you have not yet secured your supply, get in on the act sooner rather than later. Sure it takes some committment up front, but the reward is such an incredible pay off the only thing you will be asking yourself is "why did I not order more". Available by the case only, it can be ordered with confidence on the website, or come by the winery and sample for yourself. It is one great deal!.
Sometimes blogs are best kept brief, especially when there is something more substantial buried within. That being said, check out the "Wineroad Podcast" with Julius as the guest to speak about Ektimo and more.